RSPH Level 3 and 4 Diploma Course
in Anatomical Pathology Technology
APT training forum
The North Tees Centre for APT training recognises and embraces the benefits and opportunities that social forums can bring as a tool. These forums can be used to share information and training, keep staff and students up to date with important course developments and promote healthy academic debate.
There is, however, an inherent risk involved in using social forums, in that, it is an instantaneous and far reaching form of communication and inappropriate use can impact upon all users and the reputation of the North Tees Centre.
The North Tees Centre encourages lecturers, students, mentors, assessors and other APT professionals to engage, collaborate and innovate through these forums; however, wherever and whenever you must be aware of the potential impact on both yourself, the North Tees Centre and your parent Trusts / organisations.
Terms of use
Confidential information, activities and personal information must not be posted.
Users should never represent themselves or their employing and professional organisations in a false or misleading way. All statements must be true and not misleading and must not bring employing organisations into disrepute; all claims must be substantiated.
Use common sense and common courtesy. Users should ask permission to publish or report confidential information or other information that is meant to be private or internal to employing organisations - privacy, confidentiality and legal guidelines for external communication should not be violated.
Where users access forums for work-related purposes or personal use using their employing organisations IT facilities and equipment, local IT regulations will apply.
Where appropriate, the North Tees Centre reserves the right to monitor use of forums and take appropriate action to protect against any misuse that may be harmful to the North Tees Centre.
Employees should seek guidance before participating in these forums when the topic being discussed may be considered sensitive (e.g. a crisis situation, issues which may impact on the North Tees Centre or employing organisations reputation).
If a users use of these forums is considered to be derogatory, discriminatory, bullying, threatening, defamatory, offensive, intimidating, harassing, creating legal liability for the North Tees Centre and / or employing organisations, bringing the North Tees Centre and / or employing organisations into disrepute, breaching dignity and respect or any other North Tees Centre policy or procedure then the North Tees Centre may take further action and / or report this to parent / employing organisations. This may include comments, videos, or photographs, which have been posted on these forums about the North Tees Centre, employing organisation (s), other students, work colleagues or managers.
The North Tees Centre's response to any misuse of these forums in a personal capacity will be reasonable and proportionate to the perceived offence; the nature of the postings/comments made and the impact or potential impact on the North Tees Centre.
These forums may be referred to when investigating possible misconduct/gross misconduct.
All users should be aware of security threats and be on guard for social engineering and phising attempts. Social forums can also be used to distribute spam and malware.
The North Tees Centre may require users to remove forum postings which are deemed to constitute a breach of these standards (forum moderators may also delete, edit or move posts without prior warning).