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Forum Posts

Rebecca Pauffley
Feb 25, 2024
In Level 3: Cohort 10
Hi Darren, Can we just check what we shoud be submitting for our portfolio... My understanding is as follows: 1 folder containing Front Sheet, Signature Sheet, Permission to use photos from within Mortuary 5 folders - I for each unit, containing 11 documents - the competed CAS form for that unit, plus 10 evidence pieces Then our Mentor has to apply for our EPA using the link on the website... Is that everything? Can we clarify as to whether there is a separate plagiarism document to be added, or whether the front sheet covers it? Kind regards Bex
Rebecca Pauffley
Jan 10, 2024
In Level 3: Cohort 10
Hi Darren, At the top of the Reflective Statement template it has the word STEAM in brackets after it. I understand from my Mentor that this was a method for structuring a reflective statement, but to my knowledge we haven't covered that... Can you advise? Kind regards Bex
Rebecca Pauffley
Nov 16, 2023
In Level 3: Cohort 10
Hi Darren, Just pre-emptively wondered whether or not you think the marks for our final exam will be available by Christmas? So many bank holidays over that period and then the resit on the 18th January... Would be nice to put people out of their misery before they break for Christmas, and give people a couple of weeks to revise for resits... ! I wondered whether you might be able to ask the RSPH whether that would be a possibility? Kind regards Bex
Rebecca Pauffley
Nov 06, 2023
In Level 3: Cohort 10
Hi Darren, I was just wondering if there is any way we can get sight of our own exam papers after they have been marked? I think it would reassure people that they are being marked fairly based on what we have been taught, and also that people could see what they got wrong in order to improve for resits? Is this a possibility you could kindly look into for us? Kind regards Bex
Rebecca Pauffley
Nov 06, 2023
In Level 3: Cohort 10
Hi Darren, I'm rewatching the presentations as part of my revision and just noted an error which I just wanted to highlight to ensure we get marked correctly on the upcoming exam... You said during the presentation that the Corpus Collosum is where CSF is produced, but it is actually the Choroid Plexus which produces CSF. The Corpus Collosum is filled with 200 million myelinated nerve fibres, and is responsible for linking the right and left hempisheres of the brain and integrating the performance between the ssme regions on each side of the brain. If this comes up on the exam can you make sure we are marked for the correct answer? Kind regards, Bex
Rebecca Pauffley
Sep 19, 2023
In Level 3: Cohort 10
Hi Darren, I've just been through my notes for the Endocrine system and believe I've noticed an error. On Slide 9 of the PowerPoint it states that the Parathyroid produces Calcitonin... However the additional notes and further research suggests that this isn't correct - that the Parathyroid produces PTH, Parathyroid Hormone, and it is the Thyroid that produces the Calcitonin. Can you please advise on this so that people can be sure they are learning the correct information, and ensure that if we get an exam question on it we are marked correctly? Kind regards, Bex
Rebecca Pauffley
Aug 12, 2023
In Level 3: Cohort 10
Hi Darren, Can we just check that our exams will have a 2pm start time as per your post in May re Satellite Exam Hubs? Many thanks Bex
Rebecca Pauffley
Jun 02, 2023
In Level 3: Cohort 10
Hi Darren, Would it be possible to unlock the A&P module now that we have finished with micro to allow us plenty of time to print off the contents? Many thanks, Bex
Rebecca Pauffley
Jun 01, 2023
In Level 3: Cohort 10
Hi Darren... Regarding today's Micro exam, there was a question regarding the bacterial growth equation. It was laid out in several parts, and it read something like this.... A) You culture a bacteria which replicates every 30 minutes, and there are 100 million bacteria in the original culture. How many would there be after a) 2 hours b) 3 hours "Question A" was worth 2 marks, and a) and b) worth one mark each... But "Question A" didn't pose a question, just stated how many bacteria there were and how often they replicated.... We are concerned that this was a misprint, and therefore none of us are going to get those 2 marks, which could be the difference between a pass and a fail for some of us.... Could you please clarify with the RSPH? Thanks Darren, Bex
Rebecca Pauffley
May 10, 2023
In Level 3: Cohort 10
Hi Darren, I was wondering about the timing of our revision sessions. Most Mortuaries carry out Post Mortems in the mornings, so in order to attend the revision sessions, we are missing from the PM Room, which isn't always possible as we are often a key part of the team. Therefore lots of us are potentially missing out on being able to attend these useful sessions. I wonder whether there's a possibility of them being moved to the afternoon, depending on whether others agreed that a change in time would make the sessions more accessible. It might also make it feel more worth your while if attendance increases. I appreciate the sessions are recorded, but it is always nice to attend in real time to facilitate understanding and be able to ask questions. Thanks, Bex
Rebecca Pauffley
Mar 04, 2023
In Level 3: Cohort 10
Hi Darren, Sorry me again! On Task 3 of the Risk Assessment assignment it asks us to describe the steps/stages we went through to produce our risk assessments.... could you kindly clarify does this need to be done twice - once for each of the two risk assessments or just an overview of the process? Many thanks again, Bex
Rebecca Pauffley
Mar 04, 2023
In Level 3: Cohort 10
Hi Darren, Are we to avoid putting our name on our assignments? I'm just putting headers and footers in but wondering if I should be using my RSPH Candidate Number instead of my name/or both / or whether it matters?! Overthinking over here....🤓 Many thanks, Bex

Rebecca Pauffley

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