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RSPH Diploma Course

 in Anatomical Pathology Technology

Application Form (non apprenticeship)

Please complete all sections 1 - 6 below - it is important that your take your time with this application.  It is recommended that you read the entire application in the first instance and then collect the necessary evidence and documentation required to complete it at a later stage. You will also need to complete your organisations financial details at the end of this form - for this you will need your finance departments contact and address details. 



Only Microsoft Office documents or PDF files can be uploaded via this page, please also ensure that multiple files of any scanned documents (e.g. of ID badge, job descriptions, qualifications etc.) are uploaded as one document before submission.

Important! Please ensure mentors read the Role of mentors page AND declaration below.

Section 1:  Details of candidate:

Gender - required by AO (RSPH):
Section 2: Work place mentor details:
Section 3: Candidates current employment details:

To apply for this training you MUST be working in a mortuary as an APT in a substantive or trainee position. Please provide one piece of the following supporting evidence with  your  details on (you are required to upload a copy with this application form). Remember only PDF or Microsoft Office documents. 

Type of employment:
Your employment supporting evidence (Level 3 candidates only):
Upload employment evidence
Section 4: Candidate roles / duties and qualifications:

Evidence of qualifications:  to gain access to the level 4 Diploma (and top up course)  please see below for qualifications that must be uploaded with this application:

For level 3 Diploma applicants: Not required

For level 4 Diploma applicants: RSPH Level 3 Diploma APT certificate and proof of professional registration

For level 3 Diploma top up applicants: Previous certificate & diploma.

Upload qualification evidence

You may be contacted prior to your attendance to discuss any additional  support required - documentary evidence may also be required for submission to RSPH when you attend the North Tees Centre.

NOTE: The Centre is not responsible for arranging / funding any further tests which may be required – please speak to your mentor if you require additional support with testing (dyslexia for example).

Section 5: Declarations:

The candidate:

I have read and fully understand the course requirements and eligibility criteria and commit to:

  • Completing the full course which will involve a time commitment of 10 days to be spread via modular online learning and examination visits as outlined in the timetable supplied.

  • Completing all distance learning and assessment work, set within the timeframes as required (IT or mobile device access required to be able to dial into online zoom meetings).

  • Completing a portfolio of competency of my skills and knowledge for final assessment by the RSPH.

  • Having attached a copy of my employment evidence / work experience honorary contract (Applications will not be considered without this evidence).

  • Having read, understood and agreed to the ‘Key important notes to all candidates’ points that are listed on this page.

The mentor:

The organisational mentor (at the organisation at which the applicant is currently employed / completing work experience) must read the following declaration.
I have read and fully understand the course requirements and eligibility criteria and commit to:

  • Providing a work based mentor to support the candidate, allow for the collection of work based evidence and to provide competency training to enable to candidate to meet the work based objectives.

  • Sharing my knowledge, skills and experience of all aspects of mortuary practice.

  • Undertake regular assessment of the candidates practical skills and suitability for the end point assessment EPA.

  • Provide the candidate with written evidence of skills demonstrated as part of the portfolio assessment.

  • Candidate release for the time required to participate fully in the online training and attend examinations at the centre / venue.

The mentor is acting on behalf of your organisation to ensure full attendance and completion of this programme.

Section 6: Payment Options:
Payment must be provided to successfully register the candidate onto the course.

Final checklist before submitting your application - have you:


Read the eligibility criteria for your course


Scanned and attached evidence of your employment (PDF or word documents only)

Scanned and attached previous qualifications (for level 4 and top up Diplomas only)  

An agreed work based mentor and exam guarantor 

Put in the PO number on your application (on contact of person who to send the invoice to) - this is essential for the application to proceed

Should you have problems submitting this application through your Trust account then please email us using this paper version of the application form and 


Page last updated: 06/02/24

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