RSPH Level 3 and 4 Diploma Courses
in Anatomical Pathology Technology
The Role of Mentors
Guidance for Candidates and Mentors
This guidance has been developed to support work placed mentors with the aim of introducing you to the course requirements for both mentor and candidate, good training practices and also pointing you in the right direction for further information and support.
We at the North Tees Centre believe mentoring is a key component in the learning process and having a work base mentor will help candidates learn more efficiently and improve their performance. It is also beneficial to have a mentor who is familiar in the preparation of evidence for the RSPH Diploma portfolio in Anatomical Pathology Technology as well as being able to facilitate a supportive learning environment for training of the candidate.
Producing the evidence required to build a portfolio to meet the learning outcomes for the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) Level 3 and 4 Diploma requires planning and careful consideration of the varied types of objective evidence available in the work place.
Please Click here for the main points regarding the portfolio of evidence - this information is also given to all candidates.
The Level 3 portfolio units cover the following areas:
Unit 3.6: Preparation and operation of a mortuary
Unit 3.7: Prepare for post mortem examinations
Unit 3.8: Assist with post mortem examinations
Unit 3.9: Viewing of the deceased
Unit 3.10: Team working
The Level 4 portfolio units cover the following areas:
Unit 4.6: Supervision of the mortuary function
Unit 4.7: Management of the deceased in the mortuary
Unit 4.8: Bereavement support
Unit 4.9: Specialist practical mortuary skills
Unit 4.10: Deliver and evaluate training in anatomical pathology technology
If a candidate does not have access to a suitable work-based mentor and an environment that can provide the experience necessary to evidence the outcomes, then it will not be possible to accept them on to the programme.
Purpose of the Mentor
Mentoring is a relationship established between an experienced, knowledgeable employee and a less experienced employee and involves the sharing of this knowledge and experience as well as offering advice. The mentor is expected to have a broad understanding of the RSPH training programme and the ability to support the candidate as follows:
The mentor should be able to provide professional support and guidance for candidates throughout their training period and be regularly checking progress of the portfolio. All portfolio work must be countersigned by the mentor before submission for assessment.
The mentor will be expected to support the candidate in obtaining any additional practical training and experience to facilitate the production of appropriate portfolio evidence.
Mentors should understand what constitutes good evidence and be able to offer advice on the appropriateness of evidence for the different learning outcomes.
Candidates and their mentors are asked to hold regular meetings in order to monitor progress and provide an opportunity for any problems to be highlighted and resolved in a timely manner. Use the “Progress Review Meeting” template to document feedback - highlights and key points from these meetings can be documented in the candidates “individual training plan”.
Mentors should be readily available to support the candidate and offer advice as required.
The work-based mentor (or candidates line manager) is responsible for requesting the candidates end point assessment (EPA) - see link below.
Mentors are able to contact the Centre for further guidance.