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RSPH Level 3/ 4 Diploma Course

 in Anatomical Pathology Technology


Please read the following carefully:


1. Portfolio general evidence criteria

  • Assessors would expect evidence for attainment of all of the learning outcomes for each unit to be covered by 10 pieces of evidence (making up 50 pieces of evidence total in the completed portfolio).

  • All evidence must be objective (i.e. based on facts).

  • All evidence pieces must include a title, date, candidate name and completed signed off by both the candidate and their mentor.

  • Ensure all evidence pieces for each unit are indexed and signposted in the Candidate Assessment Summary Form (CAS form) for each of the practical units (x.6 - x.10).

  • All evidence must be put into context (i.e. introduce and explain what the piece of evidence is and what is it demonstrating).

  • It is good practice for evidence pieces to be personalised and annotated with text for further explanations and labelling (including any comments from mentors).

  • Each piece of evidence must be no more than 3 or 4 sides (A4) long - where evidence is longer than this (e.g. reflective diaries) then summarise this for the portfolio.

  • The 10 chosen evidence pieces for each unit must, collectively, cover all learning outcomes contained on the CAS form - a single evidence piece may cover more than one learning outcome.

  • A piece of evidence used in one unit, cannot then be used again for another unit, thus the portfolio is to contain x 50 unique evidence pieces.  



2. Unit specific evidence criteria

Each unit must include a balance of evidence types:

  • 3 x full reflections of work undertaken covering as many of the unit learning objectives as possible between them.

  • 3 x full witness statements of work undertaken covering as many of the unit learning objectives as possible. Consider securing witness statements not just from from mentors but other service users (i.e. admin staff / pathologist / Bereavement team / other qualified APT's / Funeral Director etc.)

  • 4 x other work based objective evidence types, chosen by the candidate, taken from their Trust / Organisation / department.


3. Portfolio template documents / examples / other useful information:


Level 3 / 4 Diploma evidence  ideas / types to use

L4 example evidence pieces -past examples

Reflective learning statement example

RSPH candidate evidence portfolio front sheet 

How to layout and format work-based evidence types

Witness statement template

Signature sheet template 

L3 example evidence pieces -past examples

Witness statement example

Work based objective evidence template

L3 example evidence pieces -past examples updated

Reflective learning statement template

Mentor progress review meeting template

4. Submitting portfolio work electronically


Candidates can ask for access to their e-portfolio at any time during their training with us - please contact: Remember to include:


  • The specific unit CAS forms (see paragraph 6 below)  that are used for indexing all evidence work submitted in the portfolio  (10 pieces for each unit).

  • The signed off 'RSPH candidate evidence portfolio front sheet' (see above templates).

  • All signatures (for both candidate and mentor) on all evidence pieces. 


Submitting evidence electronically to your e-portfolio will allow assessors to view it prior to any visits.


5. When your e-portfolio is complete


End Point Assessment (EPA) applications will take place twice a year for the level 3 diploma:


  • February 

  • August  

All exams and assignments must also be marked and passed before the EPA can be applied for.


The candidates work based mentor is to contact the centre when the portfolio is deemed complete and ready for assessment - they are to use use the online Application for assessment found in the 'Link's butt above.  

6. CAS Forms for indexing unit evidence 


Further information will be provided to candidates when attending the North Tees Centre on how to complete these forms - click here for examples of completed CAS forms.


Essentially these forms list all the learning outcomes for a unit and are used for indexing all gathered evidence pieces - candidates will be encouraged to discuss with mentors the different types of evidence that would be suitable for each unit to achieve the learning outcome contained on these CAS forms. Examples of good evidence types can be found using 'good example evidence link' above.

See below for blank CAS forms for indexing evidence for the work based units (these are also available in the RSPH binder portfolio given to every candidate (see password protected area):

Unit APT 3.6


Preparation and operation of a mortuary

Unit APT 3.7


Prepare for post mortem examinations

Unit APT 3.8


Assist with post mortem examinations

Unit APT 3.9

Viewing of the deceased

Unit APT 3.10

Team working

Unit APT 4.6


Supervision of the mortuary function

Unit APT 4.7


Management of the deceased in the mortuary

Unit APT 4.8

Bereavement support

Unit APT 4.9

Specialist practical mortuary skills

Unit APT 4.10

Deliver and evaluate training in APT

7. Confidential, identifiable and sensitive information 

You must ensure that there is no patient identifiable information in your portfolio evidence (both paper based and e-portfolio) - this goes for sensitive identifiable information relating to external departments and organisations. 


We expect the following check points for sensitive and/or confidential information relating to portfolio evidence - if at any stage confidential and/or sensitive information is found is must be removed or anonymised:


  1. Candidates check their evidence as they produce it

  2. Mentors check before countersigning all evidence

  3. Assessors check during portfolios assessment


North Tees Centre will not routinely be checking your evidence for confidential and/or sensitive information nor take responsibility for data breaches. You must assume that 3rd parties are able to view any information in your portfolio - remember some portfolios will be transported through the postal system. If this portfolio was lost or the packaging broke open during transit would you be happy that no identifiable information was present?


Pseudonymisation (e.g. internal reference numbers) or anonymisation is highly recommended.  Use of photographs is discouraged unless of specific areas within the mortuary - again ensuring no identifiable / sensitive information and permission has been sought from your line manager. Please also note:


  • That use of a marker pen to blank out information is often insufficient – you must then photocopy this so that information is not identifiable.

  • Use of correction fluid or tape is not permitted.




Evidence relating to patients, family members or colleagues must be anonymised unless prior permission has been sought and included (e.g. signature sheet)  in the portfolio. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in portfolio deferral (until all evidence has been anonymised and / or patient identifiable information removed).

8. Frequently asked questions:

Q. Can assignments completed on the  APT course be used as evidence in my portfolio?

A. As a general rule no, however if you have completed a specific task as part of your assignment that reflects working practices or includes an objective evidence piece then this element could be included (not the entire assignment). For example if you have completed a risk assessment of a procedure / process within your mortuary for a particular assignment then this could be used provided it follows the criteria mentioned above (e.g. annotated, date, signed etc.).

Q. How do I submit portfolio evidence electronically?

A. Use the drop box link that has been sent to you. Your link will allow you to access your e-portfolio folder that contains 5 separate sub-folders for placing your evidence in:

  • Uni 3.6:                 Prep and operation of a mortuary

  • Unit 3.7:                Prep post mortem examinations

  • Unit 3.8:                Assist post mortem examinations

  • Unit 3.9:                Viewing of the deceased

  • Unit 3.10:              Team working in the mortuary



Ensure all your scanned evidence pieces are  placed into the correct subfolder with each folder containing:

  • 1 x CAS form (for indexing your evidence pieces below)

  • 3 x full reflections

  • 3 x full witness statements

  • 4 x work-based objective pieces



Each sub-folder in your e-portfolio should contain x 10 pieces of evidence (50 total pieces of evidence in the portfolio).

All e-portfolio evidence must be dated and signed signed (electronic signatures are acceptable) by both the candidate and their work-based mentor.

All candidate e-portfolios are private until the candidate applies for assessment whereby it will then be shared with the nominated external assessor.

Assessors may contact the candidate (or the Centre) should your evidence not be up to the desired standard or require additional evidence pieces prior to any visit and may reschedule visits if additional portfolio work is required - this is down to the discretion of each individual assessor acting on behalf of North Tees.



Q. What if I want to change evidence that has been submitted electronically?

A. Before the EPA you can upload, edit, change and delete evidence pieces contained within the e-portfolio as many time as you like  - once your End Point Assessment (EPA) has been applied for you will not be allowed any further e-portfolio changes (however the assessor may request additional evidence or changes). 

Q. How do I complete the CAS forms for indexing my evidence now that it is the candidates responsibility?

A. Please click here for completed examples of CAS forms - you will notice that:


  • Some of the evidence pieces indexed on this form have only been used once (i.e. linked to only one learning outcome).

  • Other evidence pieces have been used multiple times (i.e. linked to multiple learning outcomes).


The point being that there needs to be at least one or more evidence piece against every learning outcome for the unit.


Your index system may vary – but a simple listing of Evidence 1 -10 for each unit (e.g. Unit 3.6 - evidence 1, Unit 3.6 evidence 2 etc.) or a colour code system will suffice. 

Q. Does the North Tees Centre check / view portfolio evidence prior to EPA?

A. No - only the external assessor reviews portfolio evidence produced by the candidate - and then only after: 1: the mortuary has applied for their EPA, 2: an external assessor has been allocated to the candidate, 3: an introductory e-mail has been sent from North Tees introducing the external assessor to the candidate and their mentor (the candidates e-portfolio link is included in this introductory e-mail). Please ensure no confidential or patient identifiable information is on display and permission has been sought if photographs have been included in any evidence pieces. 

Q. Does the portfolio need to be completed before applying for the EPA?

A. Yes - please click here to see forum post about this specific query and expected timelines.

Page last updated 18/06/24

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