RSPH Diploma Course
in Anatomical Pathology Technology
Evidence examples
Please see below for suggested work based evidence examples for each unit (note: include no more than x 4 for this type of evidence for each unit - you will still need to include x 3 witness statements and x 3 reflections as evidence for your portfolio – see portfolio evidence criteria):
Note: The 10 pieces of evidence must cover the full scope of learning outcomes for each unit (See unit CAS forms)

Level 3 Diploma
Suggested evidence examples to use for your portfolio
3.6 preparation of a mortuary:
Maintenance records / logs (hoists / PM saw / refrigeration units / ventilation system / autoclave / instrument washer etc..)
Decontamination records
Fault reporting records
Environmental checks (temperature monitoring / air flow monitoring / formalin monitoring / cleaning logs)
Stock ordering / maintenance of stock recording / equipment ordering
Photographic evidence of you completing tasks (stock level demonstration / record locations / PPE demonstration etc (full permission required and evidence signed by mentor)
Mandatory training – information governance / confidentiality
Emails relating to the requirements of this unit
Competency training documents
Waste disposal records / waste disposal training
Meeting minutes
3.7 Prepare for post mortem examinations:
Risk assessments etc - (front sheets only)
Identification process
Body maps – external examination process
Histology / toxicology forms – must be examples used with patient information removed
Tissue retrieval involvement – brain / spinal cord / eye retrieval etc
Competency training documents
Photographic evidence (e.g. equipment laid out and prepared to use)
Competency documents / training records
Work diaries (see training plan)
Infection control documents
3.8 Assist with post mortem examinations:
Risk assessments etc - (front sheets only)
Consent documentation / training
Forms associated with preparing for PM
Mock up of ID band
Use of safety equipment
Forms used for histology / toxicology recording etc
Emails relating to the requirements this unit
Competency training documents
Waste disposal records / waste disposal training
Photographic evidence of you completing tasks (e.g. weighing, PM suturing skills (full permission required and evidence signed by mentor)
3.9 viewing of the deceased:
Risk assessments etc - (front sheets only)
Supporting the bereaved - cremation process / funeral directors / tissue services / coroners office
Cultural & religious requirements – posters / SOPs / reflections / witness statements
Emails / Thank you cards / feedback forms – please remove patient identifiable information
Notice of infection forms
Viewing diary / log / visitor signing in sheets – remove patient identifiable data
Care after death information – again must be annotated as to how you use it
Evidence which demonstrates how you deal with viewing restrictions
Work diaries (see training plan)
Competency documents / training records
3.10 Team working:
Appraisal documentation
Emails relating to the requirements of this unit
Annotated SOPs (front sheet only)
Work rotas / daily tasks / schedules
Photographic evidence demonstrating teams work (e.g. whites boards, notices etc. (full permission required and evidence signed by mentor)
DATIX / Incident reporting – demonstrate resolution to an issue involving more than one person
Quality improvements / QPulse updates
Competency documents / training records / Training others – porters / nursing staff / FD / junior staff etc
Tours of departments
Meeting minutes (front sheet showing staff in attendance)
Work diaries (see training plan)

Level 4 Diploma
Suggested evidence examples to use for your portfolio
Many elements of this portfolio require managerial tasks to be completed for the learning outcomes to be achieved and as such you will need to demonstrate these skills both in knowledge and competency within your portfolios.
To further support you, please also ensure you have available a work-based mentor who can assist with some of the evidence that you will need to gather:
4.6 Supervision of the mortuary function:
Stock management records (inc. drdering of stock / consumables)
Statistical analysis of mortuary data (spreadsheets, audits etc.)
QMS Record management (e.g. QPulse acknowledgment of documents , issue of documents)
Asset records
Business plans / SLA
Electronic records (e.g. department meeting minutes)
UKAS / HTA records of compliance
Performance / quality logs / monitoring
Rota production
Audits produced by the candidate (and any subsequent follow up non-conformances).
DATIX and their subsequent investigation (again demonstrating supervisory and managerial competency).
4.7 Management of the deceased in the mortuary:
Identification protocols
Consent documentation
Property / valuables traceability logs
Traceability logs for deceased storage, release and transport
Disposal of documentation - legal aspects
Copies of release forms used within your own mortuary.
Screen shots of central temperate monitoring and associated procedures (including further management, for example problem or trouble shooting with a fridge that is out of temperature).
Anonymised copy of valuables book explaining their rationale and why we record this data.
Evidence showing how and why there are restrictions in place in the mortuary.
Recording processes of the diseased in and out of the mortuary.
An example of an unusual storage procedure / protocol that needed to be carried out (e.g. high risk or moving / storing a body in a freezer).
Other monitoring / quality protocols carried out within your mortuary.
4.8 Bereavement support:
Communicating with bereaved
Restrictions in place when viewing the deceased
Care after death information – again must be annotated as to how you use it
Mortuary facilities required
Legislation / guidance documentation / policies in place
Cultural & religious requirements.
Photograph of mortuary viewing rooms (or a floorplan) explaining why it is laid out a certain way.
Bereavement support books (including why they are presented, formatted and structured that way. What practical advice is given the bereaved and the design of the book).
4.9 Specialist practical mortuary skills:
Forensic documentation
Evidence of reconstructive procedures (material used or photographs of work completed)
Danger of infection evidence (high risk)
Tissue removal evidence
Certificates of attendance / observation of specialised mortuary skills, these need to be on trust branded heading.
Specialist Training received
Evidence relation to tissue donation from the NHSBT (certificates again will need to be on official NHSBT headed – this demonstrates authenticity).
Observations of specialist PM examinations
Specialist resources / equipment in use for high risk persons (e.g. extra PPE required, use of air extraction equipment, risk assessments etc.)
Police / incidents / chain of evidence
Anonymised documentation indicating that PM was high infection risk
4.10 Deliver and evaluate training in APT:
Training plans / timetables
Competency matrix / records (with real staff feedback for evaluation and the competency signed off)
Mandatory training RAG reports (ESR)
Presentations / CPD activities presented
Training policies (front sheet only)
Assessment / exam records (produced by yourself or completed assessments with trainer and trainee input / feedback given - this will demonstrate evaluation of training).
Training update logs
Learning contracts
Trainee progress reports (these must be anonymised or permission sought from the staff member for their inclusion).
Processes / documentation for staff with additional learning needs (this needs to be put into context and actually used)
Other documented and controlled work based training records
Other candidate tips for the level 4 Diploma portfolio
When including SOP’s and other documentation it is better to included ones that you wrote, edited, reviewed or had input in producing or even a leaflet in use that you yourself had produced.
Ensure that all documentation / evidence included within your portfolio can be easily verified as coming from you or your trust (either on formal headed paper, signed or has the candidate name on them – again blank templates and forms are not sufficient). Do not include standalone documents with no context.
Do not include too many SOPs in your portfolio – at most one or two examples are all that is required and they also need to be anonymised (and even then, just the front sheet would be sufficient showing the document control headings etc. included). If you are going to include an SOP as objective evidence then it needs to be linked and in context to a relevant learning outcome.
If your portfolio includes local mortuary forms as objective evidence (e.g. cremations forms) then these must be put into context or explained. If using blank documents then please explain the contents and elements of the form, if using a completed form as an example then also anonymise them.
When including photographic documentation ensure permission or authorisation for their use has been included within your portfolio.
If portfolio evidence includes other staff names then permission for their inclusion is required - use the 'Signature sheet template' for in the mentor’s link.
Ensure any witness statements used within your portfolio are within scope, not too brief and are signed. If not, then further objective evidence will be required to back these witness statements up.
For the 'Specialist practical mortuary skills' unit in particular ensure the evidence included is more focused but within scope (e.g. Neurological: how the brain was removed and then processed further will suffice) – again obtaining permission to use photos. Pre and post PM procedures are not required.
Ensure some of your reflections contain ‘feed-forward’ action points, i.e. how after reflection would the candidate change their future practices. Candidates must include some evidence that demonstrates that changes to their practices had been made.