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Our Courses . . .

RSPH Level 3 Diploma Course


The course is modular in design consisting of 10 units needing to be completed over a 18 month period:


  • 5 x theory units 

  • 5 x work based practical units


The theory units are assessed using RSPH set examinations and centre set assignment pieces.

Your practical APT skills are consolidated through the 5 work based units and  taught to you by your own mortuary mentors and these skills will then be assessed in your own mortuary by an external assessor (appointed by North Tees Centre) who meets RSPH & AAPT criteria.

You will also be required to complete a portfolio of evidence of your training and competence in practical APT skills.

You will need to nominate a work based mentor or mentors; this could be a senior APT, your Mortuary manager, Line manager or a supervising pathologist. We will also work with your mentor, if required, to support them to support you.

RSPH Level 4 Diploma Course


The qualification builds up on previous learning and incorporates more quality, managerial and advanced practices and like the level 3 Diploma  is completed in modules over a 18 month period.


Like the level 3 qualification, candidates will need to complete 5 theory modules and 5 practical modules that is evidenced by completion of a portfolio of practical competency assessed by an external assessor.

Additional support to candidates is available from the centre at all times and also access to further off line training materials to further aid candidates with their studies.


Note: All live video lecture sessions will be recorded and available to all candidates for review at a later time in the cohort’s password protected area.

To be eligible for this course you must be currently employed and work as an anatomical pathology technologist in a public or NHS mortuary and hold the RSPH Level 3 Diploma APT.

Additional course requirements:

As well as a work based mentor, who will need to regularly check your work based portfolio progress, you will also need:

  • Trust or home access to this website and training material contained within - please contact your IT department if this site is blocked informing them that access to this site is required for service reasons.

  • IT or mobile device that can access video zoom meetings (web cam, microphone and audio also required).

  • All portfolio evidence will need to be submitted electronically (more details about evidence requirements and criteria will be given once students attend the course) - please ensure you have access to photocopying / scanning facilities to upload your evidence to your e-portfolio.


North Tees Centre

Course Programme lead:

Darren Makin

Course admin lead:

Jade Murray

RSPH New Level 2 Certificate Course


In 2024 the Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH) announced the new national qualification for all mortuary support staff - the Level 2 Certificate in mortuary support.


  • 3 integrated theory / work based units covering operational, H&S, infection control  and governance learning outcomes relating to the mortuary environment. 

  • This course training will last approx. 9 months and is delivered live online via zoom.


The units are assessed using RSPH set examinations and centre set assignment pieces with external verification by the AAPT.

You will need to nominate a work based mentor or mentors; this could be an APT, your Mortuary manager, or other Line manager. We will also work with your mentor, if required, to support them to support you.

Includes membership to the Association of Anatomical Pathology Technology.

Key important notes to all candidates

Deferral and breaks in training

Only in exceptional circumstances will a candidate be allowed to defer / postpone their training in any academic year. A letter must be received by us [North Tees] from the candidate’s line manager, detailing the reasons prior to any candidate deferral. Once a letter requesting a deferral / break in training has been received, this will then be discussed with the North Tees management team and a response sent back to the candidates parent trust / organisation. If an agreement for deferral has been agreed then the candidate must complete their training in the following academic year – no further extensions will be granted.

If agreement has not been sought or the candidate fails to complete the course in the subsequent academic year then candidates will need to register and apply again for our training. This will incur new course fee charges.


Portfolio evidence

All portfolio evidence must be up to date at the time of assessment – this will be down to the discretion of the external assessor. If a portfolio is delayed for assessment then please ensure evidence is countersigned if still relevant or new evidence obtained. All portfolio evidence gathered must cover your entire training period including the time it was deferred (all the way up to your request for assessment!).


Exam resits

Candidates will only be allowed 2 exam resists for any one module – candidates who fail their final resit will be marked as a fail for the course and will need to register and apply again for our training. This will incur new course fee charges.



A register of candidate attendance is taken on every online session  – if a candidate does not attend any of the compulsory sessions  then your parent trust / organisation may be contacted. If you are unable to attend one of your training sessions with us then an email will be required from your line manager before your due session.

Further course specific notes (including key dates and course training plan) can be found in the "more details" tab for each course above.

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