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RSPH  Diploma Course

 in Anatomical Pathology Technology

Work Based Evidence example

Please read portfolio general evidence criteria carefully for further information - but all good evidence for your portfolio should have these basic elements:


  • Date it was produced and to include your name.

  • Put into context (i.e. for work based type pieces introduce the evidence piece, explain what is the piece of evidence is demonstrating).

  • Annotated with personalised comments / labelling.

  • Contain both objective evidence (i.e. based on facts) and knowledge elements (i.e. how do YOU use or  this piece of evidence in your working environment). 

  • No more than 3 or 4 sides max.

  • Cover as many of the assessment criteria as possible on the CAS form.

  • Signed by yourself and your work based mentor.


1. Evidence has been framed with a title, name and evidence  number.

2. Evidence has a brief introduction putting it into context - this will make it easier of assessors to interpret

3. Evidence includes objective elements such as: Screenshots, photographs, copies of documents and forms etc.. 

4. Evidence has been annotated to personalise it - this also demonstrates ownership of your work.


Explain every part  of the objective element you have included.

5. Evidence includes a knowledge element explaining things in more detail (how and why the evidence it is applied in your working practice). You are also demonstrating that you understanding the process / procedure your evidence piece relates to!



This part should also be personalised and include the following types of sentences: 

I . . . 

When I . . . 

I have . . . 

I was able . . . 

I used this . . . 

I can . . . 

6.Remember to link your evidence work to some of the LO for the unit (i.e. try an put some key words form the LO into the text of your work!) 


7. Evidence must be signed by the candidate and then countersigned by the work based mentor.

Page last updated 04/ 2022

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