Hi all,
Many thanks for bringing to my attention the titles errors on the CPD / Apprenticeship training logs:
You can either edit the titles below yourself or download the correct logs:
These are the correct unit headings (for units 3.6 to 3.10):
Unit 3.6: Preparation and Operation of a Mortuary
Unit 3.7: Preparation for a Post mortem
Unit 3.8: Assisting with Post Mortems
Unit 3.9: Viewing of the Deceased
Unit 3.10: Team Working in the Mortuary
Kind regards,
Updated logs for download:
Whistle we recognise the value or pre-course learning I would say no more than 6 months from prior to your course start date - we want all training logs and evidence pieces to be relevant and recent (so really nothing longer than 2.5 years at the time of your EPA ).
Hi, how far back can we date these activities or can it only be from when we started the course?
Hi all,
Just to remind you again the purpose of these training log forms:
Please complete the training log forms as you learn throughout the training period with us for the next 12 months or so – if you have learnt something new then complete your log (e.g. preparing, wider reading around subjects, notes for exams, assignments, revision, departmental competencies, mandatory training etc.). In your workplaces if you have been shown a PM technique or practice or learnt how to use a piece of equipment then put it in the log. If you have been told or shown something by another member of staff or even if you have asked a question during a PM, meeting, or in your day to day working then it can all go in your training log. If you have learnt anything new relating to your role or job ….. then put it in your log!
e.g. for unit 3.8: "Was shown how to use Post Mortem Needles – these are used for suturing the skin after an autopsy to return the body to a natural-looking state…..our post-mortem instruments are designed to locate the cause and manner of death and identify the diseases or injuries that may be present."
Use your own words and no more than a paragraph for each entry – write whatever you like! I would say aim for a 1 or 2 entries a week.
These completed training logs will be required for the end of your training with us and when applying for professional registration.
With regards to the CAS forms (that have the same heading as your training logs) these are to be completed separately as part of your portfolio (and are used for indexing your final evidence pieces to the learning outcomes – so one CAS form is used per module for units 3.6 to 3.10). See another forum post about this that has been previously raised:
I recommend you complete the CAS forms towards the end of your training with us once you have collected all your portfolio evidence pieces, but it is entirely up to you, some candidates complete these CAS forms as they work through their portfolios.
I will nag / remind you again every time we meet up about how to use these forms!
Kind regards,